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Friday, March 29, 2013

Torch on/ Nuraply Vs. Butynol - which is the best?

I get asked a lot about which type of roof membrane is the best - Bitumen based torch on systems or a rubber system like Butynol?

The honest answer is  - neither. Both are great products when installed properly, and both suit different applications.

Torch on products are widespread, there are at least half a dozen companies importing these types of systems (all of which are not created equally!) into NZ currently, from a variety of places (USA, Italy, Holland, Belgium  Middle east). This naturally means that there are many more sales reps promoting these products to Architects and builders than Butynol, which is made in NZ by one manufacturer (Ardex, in Christchurch).
Although other suppliers buy Butynol off Ardex and re-brand it as their own, commercially speaking it is more in their interests to promote products they import and can make better margins on.

We've been running for over 10 years now and have laid pretty equal quantities of both products. Our experience tells us that the answer to the debate really lies in asking the correct questions. Eg, what is the substrate? Is the job a roof, gutter, or, deck,?  Is water being collected for drinking? Will it be walked on / tiled/ covered? What aesthetics are required? How much detailing?

At Masterseal our policy is to consider each job on its merits and provide recommendations based on experience - we always ask ourselves; 'If this was my house, what would I use?'  Because when it's all said and done we're about watertight, robust solutions that last. No cutting corners, no commercially driven 'axes to grind', just the best product for the job, and the best workmanship EVERY TIME.